The 2nd Climate Farming Conference

Bringing farmers together to change the agrifood system.


Co-organised by

Co-organised by

“I have never felt so heard and welcome in my life as a farmer.”

– Participant of the 2nd Climate Farming Conference.

The 2nd Climate Farming Conference brought together 150 experts from across Europe.

Why? To put farmers back where they belong in our food system – its centre.

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The back story

Farmers are at the end of the food chain in our agrifood system.

Policy and industry alike often fail to consider the needs of farmers.

With mounting challenges, it’s clear that we need real change. To create that change, we need to give farmers a seat at the table.


The central points of the conference

A draft vision for the agrifood system

What needs to change in our food system? Participants collectively mapped what they want to see.

Mapping the 10 central challenges facing regenerative farmers

From lack of knowledge to consumer awareness and access to finance, we defined and voted on the biggest challenges.

15 working groups for a regenerative future

Discussions turned into action. 15 groups were created to trigger change across Europe.

“As a farmer, I have many moments of deep frustration towards the current state of affairs in the agricultural industry, but I’m leaving this conference with a light-heartedness that I haven’t felt in years.”

— Participant of the 2nd Climate Farming Conference.

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